Mekong-Salween Civilzation Studies Journal

School of Renewable Energy Technology (SERT) aims to develop renewable energy technologies to serve the energy needs of developing countries in Southeast Asia. SERT’s mission is to enable the widespread use of renewable energy across Thailand and throughout the region. We intend to improve the quality of life and reduce the environmental and social impacts of fossil fuel consumption. SERT is an effective faculty for the generation and sharing of information relating to renewable energy, and for the development of the human resources and understanding required to successfully promote its use. SERT also utilizes high technology to develop research projects and promote the aspirations of students in the field of renewable energy studying toward their master’s degrees, doctoral degrees, and in their post-doctoral careers.

SERT realizes the importance of the peer review system in the IIRE International Journal of Renewable Energy, published in cooperation with many universities to be editorial board such as Fraunhofer IWES in Germany, Cologne University of Applied Sciences in Germany, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology in Japan, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in USA, Tribhuvan University in Nepal, adiCET, Chaing Mai Rajabhat University, Chiang Mai University, Chulalongkorn University, King Mongkut’s University of TechnologyThonburi and Naresuan University in Thailand.

The purposes of the journal are to disseminate articles relating to renewable energy, written by the professors and scholars of educational institutes, research institutes and other organizations. It encourages and supports the exchange of renewable energy academic information, in order to develop renewable energy technology for concrete use.

The quality research papers are solicited in. The Journal also carries reviews on important development areas and these may either be submitted in the normal way or invited by the editors.